Showing posts with label MYSTIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYSTIC. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2021

In the Wind: A Lonely Whisper

A wind rose one day from a place. Not all winds are beginnings of Wheel of Time. Yet this was certainly a beginning.
The wind rushed through empty shores and whistled through crowded cities and rumbled in the huge clouds of dust in scorching deserts of ice as well as sand.
The wind heard many whispers as it whisked through many a hair or ruffled through many leaves hanging young on the trees or lying crumpled on abandoned paths. 
Still there was something very particularly strange. There was a whisper lonely in its passage. It was a lonely among the lonely and it was indeed very strangely lonely. Perhaps one would not understand it. It is after all the tongue of a mystic and many whispers are not for all minds to conceive and comprehend. 
It's as cliche a fact as saying every blade has two sides.
Yet whichever has the edge will bite.

A heart needs a heart. A word needs a word of reply. A day needs a night. Every thing has a unity in pairs. 

Yet this was a lonely whisper.

What was its tale?

Indeed it is time. 
Time to be begin the search of that reason and that unity.
Time to hear the strange tales and ponder the secrets revealed in this whisper. 
Only once u have the question will u understand the answer.

A mystic around your heart

Trails of Crossbell Review

    THE GEOFRONT Clocking in on 115h in Tales of Azure, a thought crossed my mind; man, what a journey this has been. As part of the Eng...